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Advantage 12'x12' Light Halo Silk (Artificial) White with Bag

SKU: M1212-14

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-3 business days

Our Price: $276.88
Price: $329.00 You Save: $52.12 (16%)
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Advantage 12'x12' Light Halo Silk (Artificial) White with Bag

Light diffusion of light which produces softer shadows and is more flattering to facial features by seeming to smooth wrinkles and lines. Introduces a significant amount of ambient bounce, which enhances the effect.

Light Halo Silk is also an Artificial Silk with less light loss and therefor less diffusion than Halo Silk. It is a woven 100% Polyester fabric. It has many characteristics of China Silk, without the warm tones

Light Loss: 1.0 f-stop

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