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Grip Equipment and Grip Gear

BarnDoor Lighting is the Grip Equipment Expert

Grip Equipment is all the support gear used in film, video and photo production. Grip gear, also known as studio equipment, includes everything from Light Stands and Camera Dollies to Apple Boxes and C-Stands. It's the essential gear that fine tunes the lighting or the shot. It's the film equipment that supports the camera, supports the light or supports the crew. Need to hang a light or block the sun? Then you'll need grip clamps and hardware as well as combo stands, overhead frames and sandbags. Want to create a smooth, fluid camera move? Then you'll need a Dana Dolly or Doorway Dolly with Dolly Track. BarnDoor Lighting is the leading supplier of Grip Equipment, representing more manufacturers with a comprehensive inventory. Best of all, we have the expert knowledge to help you make the most effective purchase....Give us a Call.

Keeping Your Lighting & Grip Gear In Top Condition Can Really Pay Off

Posted on July 21, 2016 by BarnDoor Lighting Outfitters .... If you're like most production professionals, you've made a significant investment buying quality lighting and grip equipment for location, studio, stage, TV, product marketing, communications, special events or for your rental business, etc. While the gear we sell from all of the top manufacturers, including: Arri, American, Kino Flo, Mole-Richardson, to name a few, is of the highest quality and considered "work horses" in the industry, even the best gear sometimes needs replacement parts.        Read More ....