SKU: 8050
Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days
Combi Video Kits give you three sizes and shapes, so you can control contrast, shape, and falloff of your lighting while maintaining the CHIMERA quality of light. The NEW Combi Video Kits are comprised of an x-small and small VIdeo Lightbank, plus a small Video Strip Bank — just add your lights, Speed Rings, and stands to be able to handle most of the lighting situations you will ever encounter.
Combi Video Kit #8050 for Hot Lights / soft silver interiors:
1 x-small 16 x 22 Video Pro Plus (#8115)
1 small 24 x 32 Video Pro Plus (#8125)
1 small 9 x 36 Video Pro Plus Strip (#8155)
1 Carry Duffle
Gently used manufacturer lighting &
grip demos for sale at great prices:
Arri, Kino Flo, Lowel
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