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ETC Source 4wrd II LED TUNGSTEN Gallery 90+ CRI Retrofit Back Burner

SKU: 7067A1114

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $629.88
Price: $850.00 You Save: $220.12 (26%)
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ETC Source 4wrd II LED TUNGSTEN Gallery 90+ CRI Retrofit Back Burner

Convert tungsten Source Four ellipsoidal to LED efficiency in seconds, and without special tools. As bright as a 575-watt, extended life HPL lamp. 70% less power, no re-lamping, no-hassle swap out, 3-year warranty. Control via DMX or A/C line dimming. The ETC Source 4WRD LED Retrofit Burner Assembly is such a simple solution to convert your old tungsten Source 4 ellipsoidal lights to White LED. Get greater light output than a standard HPL 575W lamp and save 70% on electricity, while producing minimal heat. Even better, never have to buy a lamp again or take the time to change out a bulb. Simple to retrofit, just take off the old tungsten burner assembly and replace with your new LED ETC Source 4WRD. Usually done in less than a minute. In addition, gain dimming control thru dmx or line power dimming. Check out the Source 4WRD photometrics in the chart below. Built with (4) high quality CREE LED modules. The S4WRDDG provides 3000K Daylight color temperature at 90+ CRI.






Weight: 3.73 lbs


Source 4WRD LED is capable of being both DMX or line dimmed by a conventional SCR dimmer. In AC dimming mode, performance can vary based on the dimmer used and its control settings. For this reason, AC dimming is best suited for level setting or traditional LED quality dimming situations. When high-performance dimming is required, DMX mode should be used. We recommend testing Source 4WRD LED on existing dimmers you may wish to use.

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