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Rosco Miro Cube Juno Track Light Adapter Yoke

Rosco Miro Cube Juno Track Light Adapter Yoke

Rosco Miro Cube Juno Track Light Adapter Yoke

Mount your Rosco Miro Cube to Juno Track Lighting with this adapter.

Miro Cube Track Adapter Yokes allow the compact and lightweight Miro Cube to be powered from many common lighting track systems. These Adapter/Yoke Assemblies replace the mounting yoke provided on the Miro Cube and allow it to be easily positioned any where along the length of track. In addition to the standard yoke assemblies offered, custom adapter yokes can be made for most line voltage or mains powered track system around the world. Please inquire with your local Rosco representative or Distributor. Note that Miro Cubes cannot be used on low voltage track systems.

Rosco Miro Cube Juno Track Light Adapter Yoke