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Flathead 80 Series Kino Flo Fluorescent Light for Studios

Flathead 80 Series

Kino Flo Flathead 80 Series Fluorescent Light for Studios

Designed as a softlight source that can be plugged into the wall on location. With its narrow profile and size, the Flathead 80 can approximate the quality of light from bounced sources without losing set space.

The Flathead 80 system was designed to be compatible with the popular 4ft 4Bank components. In some situations more light was required and users were stacking 2 x 4ft 4Banks. Initial concept for the Flathead 80 was to make it out of plastic like the 4ft 4Bank, but because of its size the final design called out for a metal wrapper.

Since many customers and rental houses already had 4ft 4Bank components in their stock, Kino Flo decided to use 2 x 4Bank ballasts instead of creating a Flathead 80 ballast. The advantage of this approach is that it increases rental utility, minimizes investment and allows for individual lamp control.

The fixtures can take a variety of lamps. They can be used as a daylight source by using Kino Flo KF55 lamps or a tungsten source using Kino Flo KF32 or KF29 lamps. Visual effects lamps for blue and green screen and a variety of designer colors are available.