SKU: KG083011
Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-4 business days
Great for travel. Cheap to ship as you can find weight to fill bag on location. Use sand, shot, rocks, gaffers tape, camera batteries, water bottles....
A sand bag is a what's known as a "Silent Grip" because it does its job efficiently without any complaints!
Sand bags are necessary safety items. They prevent light stands from tipping over. They provide a down and dirty place to support a camera and also act as counterweights for booms. If you have people, especially children in your studio, a sand bag can prevent them from knocking down an expensive lighting fixture or worse causing injury to themselves or others.
Wt: .45 lbs
Gently used manufacturer lighting &
grip demos for sale at great prices:
Arri, Kino Flo, Lowel
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