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LiteGear LiteCard LED Cinema Hybrid Single Cut 12V 19" x 9"

SKU: LC1-00102

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-4 business days

Our Price: $224.88
Price: $249.00 You Save: $24.12 (10%)
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LiteGear LiteCard LED Cinema Hybrid Single Cut 12V 19" x 9"

The LiteCard Single Cut will continue to operate even when segments are removed. Solder the segments together and create endless number of light emitting shapes. Adhesive backed LED Tape makes mounting a snap!

Individual pieces can be cut out and will continue to still operate. Solder the pieces back together to make the LiteCard whole again. Cinema Series color space (matches LiteMat and LiteTile). Tile together to create large arrays of LiteRibbon quickly. 100W (50W Tungsten and 50W Daylite).

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