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LiteGear LiteCard Chroma Series Cine-Five RGB+HY | 12V

SKU: LC2-00104

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $269.88
Price: $299.00 You Save: $29.12 (10%)
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LiteGear LiteCard Chroma Series Cine-Five RGB+HY | 12V

Cine-Five is the first edition to the LiteCard Chroma family. The new revolutionary LiteCard Cine-Five features cinema-quality 95+ CRI hybrid with the ability to add in crisp RGB color accents. While Cine-Five is technically part of the Chroma family, at its core, itʼs essentially LiteGearʼs truly most adjustable Hybrid LiteRibbon. Each variation of LiteCard Cine-Five is available in 12 volt and 24 volt versions.


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