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Matthews 40 in. x 40 in. Mathbounce Floppy White / Black Reversible

SKU: 159136

Availability: Backorder, Usually leaves warehouse in 1-2 weeks

Our Price: $211.88
Price: $249.00 You Save: $37.12 (15%)
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Matthews 40 in. x 40 in. Mathbounce Floppy White / Black Reversible

Matthews’ new 40”x40” Flags and Floppies are a practical size that answers the need for gear portable enough to travel in a hatchback or similar size vehicle. Compact, built with 3/8” stainless steel tubing, the new 40”x40” size fits standard shipping limits and may be shipped by carriers UPS and FedEx, unlike its larger 48”x48” counterpart. Floppy panel is attached with hook and loop and when deployed creates a 40" x 80" white / black panel.

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