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Modern Big Bite Baby Clamp
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SKU: 018-3310

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 1-2 business days

Our Price: $62.88
Price: $116.04 You Save: $53.16 (46%)
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Modern Big Bite Baby Clamp

The Big Bite Baby is a die cast aluminum clamp capable of clamping diameters from 3/8" up to 2.5". It features a positional 5/8" baby pin that can be secured into two locations on the clamp. The pin was designed to work in either/both of the positions of the Big Bite Baby clamp. The pin has a stainless steel thread (3/8-16) encased by an exterior sleeve that has two register points (notches) at the base. These notches allow you to lock on to the roll-pins which exist at each location...and once tightened, the roll-pin will not let the pin twist in either direction. The top of these pins were designed to be easily tightened by a 9/16" wrench.

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