Mole Richardson 750 Watt Baby Soft Light 2581
The Mole Richardson Baby Softlite provides beautiful soft light similar to a 500W light source with a Chimera Softbank attached, yet with out the effort spent building the soft box. Order with the optional egg crate for superior control of light pattern direction. Can also be lamped with 1000 Watt bulbs ( FCM, FHM), 500 Watt bulbs (FDN, FCZ) or 300W Bulb (EHZ). An extremely versatile and compact soft light for film, video, dv lighting.
Provides soft, diffused virtually shadowless light with a smooth field. Can be mounted on Television or Motion Picture camera as fill-light. Used for soft fill in Still, Commercial and Motion Picture Photography and Television Studios. Designed so that all the light comes indirect and unobstructed from diffuse surfaces Through a relatively large aperture.