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Quasar T8 6 Lamp Power Adapter Cable Polarized P6SW


Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $225.00
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Quasar T8 6 Lamp Power Adapter Cable Polarized

The Quasar 6 Lamp Power Adapter Cable Polarized features non grounded lamp connectors for use with T8 or T12 lamps. Connects to power with polarized male plug (non-grounded).

Quasar Science Q-LED Linear Lamps work well as a Dimmable LED source in your existing Kino-Flo fixtures, eliminating the ballast and head feeder as well as producing more output.

Our Cluster Power Adapters can disconnect at the head to allow for easy storage.

Lamp Options: 6, 4, 3, 2 & Single Lamp Configurations Available.

Power Options: Quasar Bi Pin G13 to SWITCH to Polarized Male Plug

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