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TRP DoPChoice 4x4 SnapGrid 50 Degree for Gel Frame w/Bag

SKU: SG4-50

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $705.00
Price: $705.00 You Save: $0.00 (0%)
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TRP DoPChoice 4x4 SnapGrid 50 Degree for Gel Frame w/ Bag

The 4x4 SnapGrid 50 Degree stretches onto a 4x4 frame and helps to control light beam and reduce spill into unwanted areas on your set. Reduces the amount of extra grip gear ( c-stands, nets, flags, sandbags) for a much neater set. Elastics in corners holds the SnapGrid nice and tight in place an will not sag in the middle. Rugged material and durable construction will last for years of use. TRP Worldwide, formerly known as The Rag Place.


***Gel Frame (shown in photo) NOT Included***

trp worldwide dopchoice snapgrid for 4x4 gel frame

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