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Visual Departures Gelly Roll LARGE Lighting Gel Sheet Holder


Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-4 business days

Our Price: $55.88
Price: $68.00 You Save: $12.12 (18%)
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Visual Departures Gelly Roll LARGE Lighting Gel Sheet Holder for 20"x24" Gels

The Visual Departures Gelly Roll LARGE Lighting Gel Sheet Holder is a convenient way to neatly store your lighting gels and clothes pins. A simple, but clever design, features a vinyl fabric with pocket for holding gel sheets, attached to a center pvc tube which stores clothes pins. Simpley "roll up" the Gelly Rolly and secure with attached elastic cords and you are ready to go. Removable cap on center tube allows for easy access of clothes pins. Available in (4) Colors for easy sorting of gels. Keep your CTB Lighting Gels in Blue, CTO Lighting Gels in Orange, Diffusion Filters in Greay and Party Colors in Red.

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