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K5600 Joker-Bug 200 & 400 Combo HMI Par Light Kit, K0200/400JB+

SKU: K0200-400JB-Plus

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $8,380.00
Price: $8,700.00 You Save: $320.00 (4%)
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K5600 Joker Bug 200/400 Combo HMI Par Light Kit, K0200/400JBPAIR+

The Joker-Bug 200 & 400 Combination HMI Light Kit is the perfect small hmi light kit for on location.

If you were only allowed 2 lights to work with these are the ones to have!

Lightweight, compact, dependable, super-bright, are some of the words our customers have used to describe the Jokers.

In addition, because they are HMI lights, they provide daylight (5600K) color temp, 4x more output than similar tungsten fixtures (3200K) and run cooler while drawing less amperage.

So what's this all mean? They're perfect whether you are working by yourself or with a large crew.

Working in a small, hot room with not alot of power. Jokers are the answer!

Top it off with a well designed and rugged case, makes the Joker-Bug 200/400 Combination Kit an incredible tool!

Kit Includes:

(1)UO200B Joker-Bug 200W HMI Par Head w/9ft. Cable and Clear Glass Beaker
(1)LO200SE Lamp MSR200HR 5600K
(1)BO200EACDC 200W Electronic Power Supply (Ballast) 110V/240V Switchable, AC/DC Anton Bauer Battery Mount, 50/60Hz
(1)AO900BMR Beamer Optical Accessory
(1)AO200FF Frosted Fresnel Lens
(1)AO200SW Super Wide Lens
(1)AO200WF Wide Flood Lens
(1)AO200MF Medium Flood Lens
(1)AO200BD 4 Leaf BarnDoor
(1)PO125FG Frosted Glass Beaker
(1)UO400B Joker-Bug 400W HMI Par Head w/9ft. Cable and Clear Glass Beaker
(1)LO400SE Lamp MSR400HR, 5600K
(1)BO400E 400W Electronic Power Supply (Ballast) 110V/240V Switchable.
(1)AO400BMR Beamer Optical Accessory
(1)AO400FF Frosted Fresnel Lens
(1)AO400SW Super Wide Lens
(1)AO400WF Wide Flood Lens
(1)AO400MF Medium Flood Lens
(1)AO400BD 4 Leaf BarnDoor
(1)AO400FG Frosted Glass Beaker
(2)AO400AMB Joker 200/400/800 BugLite Dedicated Speed Ring for Chimera
(2)AO900SB+ Chimera Light Banks Video Pro XS + w/ 3 screens
(2)CO900U Extension Cable 25ft.
(1)AO600CC Carrying Case

Stands (shown in photo) Not Included.

*Don't forget to order Spare Lamps*

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