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The Light Source MGB Mega-Gridlock Pipe Overlap Bracket | Black


Availability: Backorder, Usually leaves warehouse in 1-2 weeks

Our Price: $17.88
Price: $19.00 You Save: $1.12 (6%)
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The Light Source MGB Mega-Gridlock Pipe Overlap Bracket | Black

Designed for permanent pipe grid installations in studios and theaters. Joins 2 overlapping pipes together in a 90 degree joint. Grooves act as a wrench holding the nut from turning while installing. Installs with a hex key tool in a battery drill.

Fastens any combination of 1-1/2" pipe (1.9" OD), 1-1/4" pipe (1.66" OD), and 2" OD Tube. (Tight fit on 2" OD tube)

The Mega-Gridlock can be used on curved track down to a radius of 3 feet (or a circle with a diameter of 6 feet).

Tighten the bolts to 11 foot pounds, which is about as tight as as can be done with a 6" hex key wrench.


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