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Modern Studio 6x6 On the Go Butterfly Set OTG6X6


Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-4 business days

Our Price: $989.88
Price: $1,171.28 You Save: $181.40 (15%)
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Modern Studio 6x6 On the Go Butterfly Set

The Modern Studio 6x6 On the Go Butterfly Set provides large overhead fabrics and frame in a compact travel kit. The frame breaks down into 3ft lengths. Now you can have the advantage of a large, soft light source with included 6x6 white silk. The solid black 6' x 6' fabric can be used as a photographic background or to block light. The Single Net Scrim and Double Net Scrim can also be used as a background to reduce ambient light or to reduce direct sun light on falling on your subject. The 6x6 UltraBounce provides a large white fabric for bouncing light. All items are contained in a soft padded case.


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