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Mole LED Softlite 250w TUNGSTEN 3200K DMX

SKU: 9581

Availability: Contact us for availability

Our Price: $2,195.00
Price: $2,195.00 You Save: $0.00 (0%)
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Mole LED Softlite 250w TUNGSTEN 3200K DMX

The Mole LED Softlite 250w Tungsten provides soft, diffused virtually "shadowless wrap around" light with a smooth field. This fixture can be used for television or motion picture as fill light. Use for soft fill-in stills, commercial and Television studios. Designed so that all the light comes indirect and unobstructed from diffused surfaces through a relatively large aperture. The quality of light is equal to or better than the Type 2581 1000w softlite it descended from.


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