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LiteGear LiteDimmer Plus DC200 DUO (DMX)

SKU: LD1-00116

Availability: Backorder, Usually leaves warehouse in 5-8 weeks

Our Price: $1,431.00
Price: $1,590.00 You Save: $159.00 (10%)
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LiteGear LiteDimmer Plus DC200 (DMX) DUO | LD1.00116

LiteDimmer Plus DC200 Duo is one of our flagship Plus Series power units. Compatible with all LiteMat+ Plus™, LiteTile+ Plus™, and all Plus compatible lighting products, the new Plus Dimmer features a large OLED display that provides visual feedback, and integrated wireless radio that acts as both a transmitter and a receiver for the ultimate wireless convenience. The dimmer also comes with advanced features such as load smoothing, local cueing controls, double-circuit control, and a special function that utilizes the integrated wireless card. The unit includes 1/4-20 threaded inserts that make rigging or mounting a simple task. The unit also features K-mount fittings used for attaching mounts and power supplies.

The LiteDimmer Plus DC200 Duo must be powered using the 12V, 250W LitePower Power Supply (PS-12V-250W-F-PL4)


Dimensions: 2.8" x 6.1" x 12.1"

Wt: 4.1 lbs

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